As a parish community we welcome, support and assist families preparing for the baptism of their child. Please contact the Parish Office on 9728 1145 or visit our contact us page.
[learn_more caption=”What does it mean to be a God parent?”]
- To accompany the godchildren on their way,
- To discover the wonders of the world together with them,
- To be their friend whenever they need a person who has got time to play, to talk or just to be there.
- To be father or mother if parents are missing or don’t understand,
- To be father or mother if they fail or cannot cope with their task as parent or as Christians.
- To intervene between parents and children if there are conflicts when communication becomes difficult
- To bear witness of what it means to live a Christian life
- To bear witness of the reliability and the insecurity of faith,
- To bear witness of the endeavour to be good,
- To bear witness of how to deal with weakness, failure and guilt,
- To bear witness of forgiveness offered and received.
- And to pray for them and together with them as a friend for a lifetime
[learn_more caption=”What do Godparents have to do at the celebration of baptism?”]
- Sign their godchildren with the cross,
- Declare their readiness to help with the Christian education of their godchildren
- Confess the faith of the church[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”What do Godparents have to do during the early years?”]
- To keep contact with the parents,
- To build up a relationship with the godchild,
- To pray for their godchild,
- Occasionally to baby-sit if need be,
- To remember the birthdays of their godchildren,
- To join in the celebration of their name-feast,
- To tell their godchild the story of their patron saint (their godparents in heaven)[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”What do Godparents have to pass on the faith?”]
- Pass on the faith by choosing presents (a bible, a prayer book a hymn book, a cross, a holy water bowl, a rosary)
- Pass on the faith by talking with the child on matters of faith,
- Pass on the faith by showing interest in their preparation for First communion, first Reconciliation, Confirmation,
- Pass on the faith by participating in worship together.[/learn_more]